After a comparatively chilly but very dry March-April, it has been a slow spring this year for trees but it is now happening. A bit like the roadmap to normality. Comparing images to last year’s (albeit ludicrously warm) spring, the leaves are probably a couple of weeks behind. However blossom has been out, early leafers are moving forward and there are the tell-tale tinges of change in many of the later-leafing trees. So a fitting time to review images showing winter to spring progress. What better place to start than my favourite oak.
The oak in its naked glory
Winter has the advantage of showing off the structure of the trees with no leaves to hide behind. The form is the ‘tell’ of a good specimen, like having good bones. This oak passes. Carrying on the oak theme, but this time an oak wood. When not much seems to be worth photgraphing at eye level, look up and look down. These trees are all about sharing the space.
Looking up with afternoon sun lighting the branches
A great winter tree is the willow. They are really orange through winter and then go slightly yellow as the leaves are forming before they take on their silver green coats.
Willows in winter colour
Finally though the blossom arrives. Cherry are often amongst the earliest. And a welcome splash of colour.
Pink and black (not snooker tactics) - blossom in the tree lines
The leaves emerging almost luminescent in the light