I had another great trip to South Devon in September with glorious weather and lots of bird photography. I also had great conditions on a couple of days for some drone shots and was happy with both morning and evening shots of the estuary. The two below are from the morning.
As usual I spent a lot of time watching the tide and light change on two main scenes - down to the sea and across to Efford. Classic scenes - a version of each is below…
For the second year there was an absence of large numbers of Canada Geese. Presumably they are feeding elsewhere and have shifted residence. However there were more of other birds and it would be speculation on my part to assume they had increased with less competition and territory hogging from the geese.
Most of my wildlife photographs tend to be wider shots including the environment around - it is so lovely that it adds to the scene. I like including elements of the estuary in these, telling more of a story and I can shoot them from a greater distance so disturb the birds less.