The title is an obvious thing to say, but it actually really feels like it. The mornings are crisp and the evenings chilly. Will an Indian summer prevail or will Autumn bluster in with a vengeance. A recent trip to the New Forest to see what what happening in matters arboreal reinforced the latter train of thought. Some of the birch are turning early - probably due to the really dry summer forcing them into shock. The bracken is definitely on the turn.
A rainy day led to saturated colours
On the turn
I went to an area I have shot a few times before but found entirely new compositions which was satisfying. I will try to revisit them over the coming season. I now have a long list of possible sites in the forest to return to, which along with finding new views, makes for an abundance of choice.
I also have a couple of trips coming up including a postponed trip to Scotland. I am looking forward to this because it is in the Torridon area, famed for its hills and trees. A first visit for me.
My other trip is to South Devon where we go every year in September. A haven of an estuary between Plymouth and Exeter.
Trying to keep trunks separated to avoid a visual muddle.